The Science Behind Quantum DNA Healing
My understanding from my channels is that through quantum electromagnetic mechanisms, genetic information originating from Source is conveyed to our personal quantum fields and the DNA information contained there through a “universal communications network,”(1) which exists as part of this nonphysical, multidimensional space. Source genetic codes are transmitted throughout this network via wormholes, which were shown to me as shafts or corridors of light that function as portals connecting with other dimensions. These wormholes transit the space-time continuum, functioning as portals or connections from quantum, multidimensional fields within the universe, including the Akashic Field, into our three-dimensional space. Source genetic code information is transferred from these origins as complex arrays of quantum emissions (photons) or frequencies, which make up holographic light patterns or light codes described earlier. The sun’s magnetic field helps to organize and hold these photons in place, through the forces of attraction. The photons inside these wormholes exhibit an inherent or natural resonant frequency, known as a harmonic oscillation. This oscillating motion produces pressure that propagates them through the wormhole in wave form. Photons moving in a wave form constitutes an electrical current or signal. A flowing electrical current produces an expanding magnetic field with lines of force at a 90-degree angle to the direction of current flow. When a current increases or decreases, the magnetic field exhibits a corresponding change in the same way. Here, oscillating electrical fields produce magnetic fields, which in turn oscillate to produce another corresponding electrical field. The net effect is the creation of an electromagnetic wave, which, in other words, is light. The waves also create sound due to the variations in pressure change. Thus, quantum genetic information encoded in light and sound waves is transmitted to our personal quantum field and the DNA information contained there.
As it was described to me, a quantum vacuum state exists inside these wormholes, which is also consistent with the explanation of quantum fields and the Zero Point Field provided earlier. Again, the field is not empty, but contains a cosmic medium, the Akash, that transports light, energy, and pressure. Scientific experiments have proven that this quantum vacuum is a physically real medium that interacts with matter and produces real effects. Under vacuum conditions, light does not bend and maintains its integrity, so the integrity of the light information would be preserved. Therefore, the quantum vacuum is really the “holographic information mechanism that records the historical experience of matter” emanating from Source and storing quantum genetic code holographically at a nonlocal level upon the Akash.(2)
The information carried in the vacuum is not localized, confined to a single, specific location only. As in a hologram, the vacuum carries information in distributed form, present at all points where the wave fields [which are wave patterns created by moving waves that intersect and interfere as they travel in a medium] have propagated. The interfering wave fields in the vacuum are natural holograms. They propagate quasi-instantly, and nothing can cancel them. Thus, nature’s holograms are cosmic holograms—they link—“in-form”—all things with all other things.(3)
This mechanism of transmission has been demonstrated experimentally by Russian scientists working with DNA in a laboratory. They discovered that it can cause disturbance patterns in a vacuum, producing magnetized wormholes. Wormholes are defined as the microscopic equivalents of the Einstein-Rosen bridges that are found in the vicinity of black holes. Similar to the information received in my channels, they are portrayed as tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. Russian researcher Vladimir Poponin placed DNA in a tube and beamed a laser through it. When the DNA was removed, the laser light continued spiraling on its own, as it would through a crystal. These phantom energy patterns continued to emanate those of the removed DNA, thus exhibiting the “Phantom DNA Effect.” Therefore, energy from outside space and time still flows through the activated wormholes even after the DNA is removed.8 This confirms that the integrity of the Source genetic code as quantum holographic light patterns is preserved and can be transmitted to the DNA contained in our personal quantum field.
According to my channels, Source genetic codes in the form of quantum holographic light patterns are stored in the crystalline structure of our physical DNA. Crystals, as we know, store energetic information and retain energy pattern memory as vibration. Scientists have indicated that the reason DNA can store light is because it is an aperiodic crystal, exhibiting patterns that are not periodic or regular, but rather those that are quasi-periodic, which can be indicative of its quantum character. Recent research has shown it is possible for a quantum memory, which means something that can store and recall information, to be able to store photonic information in a crystal with reasonable efficiency. (4)
The actual sheath that is wrapped around the DNA molecule is crystalline in nature and contains the memory of our entire event history, including our Akashic Record. Our DNA blueprint is also held within this memory. In other words, the coding for our entire life—everything we have been, are, or will become on all levels—is held within the crystalline structure of our DNA. (5)
The experiment by Russian scientists Pyotr Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin, proved that DNA is capable of forming and holding structure in energy. When they placed photons in a vacuum tube with DNA, the random photons became orderly (coherent), taking on the structure of the DNA. When they removed the DNA from the that membrane layers surrounding the nucleus of the cell make it difficult to introduce agents that could modify gene expression. According to Smirnov, structured water, in contrast, can easily reach the nucleus and can carry information and change the genetic code and influence different patterns of gene expression depending on their energy status.
Thus, the instructions for our genetic coding are contained within the two strands of our physical DNA, while the memory of who we are in terms of our Akashic Record and DNA blueprint is contained in the crystalline structure of the other ten strands of quantum, multidimensional DNA, held as a band of frequencies. Our physical DNA and our quantum DNA are in constant communication and inform each other in a way that translates the genetic code to generate a cellular and genetic response.
As Kryon, channeled through Lee Carroll, points out, the key to creating change in the human body is through information, not by altering our chemistry.(8) The expanded view of DNA presented here clearly takes us beyond the idea that our biological DNA consists only of physical protein complexes existing somewhere inside of our bodies, containing codes that control the expression of certain genetic traits and physical attributes, as well as our propensity to medical conditions and disease. Instead, it is information about our quantum genetic inheritance that is communicated to us via our consciousness, in addition to our biological inheritance that encodes our genes and makes us who we are.
DNA communicates to you and your consciousness in a different way than your brain does. . . . Information carried in your DNA has to get to your brain eventually in order for you to cognize it [become aware and believe it]. It then arrives in your consciousness and works in a certain way. . . . It does so with what we call overlapping multidimensional fields. . . . DNA doesn’t talk to you in memory, synapse, structure, or linearity, it talks to you in emotional concepts.(9)
Without delving into a more detailed examination of consciousness, in order to appreciate that this is even possible, we must accept at the very least that the consciousness is not a physical process that involves activity of neural networks within the brain. Our consciousness is not controlled by the brain or the genes. Instead, it is controlled by the subconsciousness of an Akashic experience.(10) In other words, it is driven by the information contained in our Akashic Records, our event history.
We alter our DNA through conscious intent. DNA doesn’t just evolve or change on its own, regardless of what influences might be exerted upon it; it waits for us to direct it. This is a very important distinction: other healing modalities, in my observation, typically adopt more passive approaches that do not purposefully direct the body through our DNA to elicit a response. They are not necessarily targeted at activating the spiritual portion of our DNA that holds the key to our DNA blueprint and our biological instructions.
From a more spiritual perspective, according to Robert Detzler, we actually have twelve nonphysical, energetic bodies in addition to our physical body. They include the more commonly known ones such as the etheric, astral, mental, emotional, and soul bodies, among others. These bodies have numerous subconscious and conscious minds—the conscious mind functions as the working consciousness of a body and the subconscious mind as the recording device for the experience of the body. He says that the physical body is a lower vibratory expression of our greater self, and the subconscious mind of our physical body records all the beliefs, perceptions, judgments, and experiences of our conscious minds. The origins of these beliefs can be cultural; religious or faith based; situational; or those we acquire through the experience of daily life. We embody these in our attitudes, actions, and behaviors. When the body dies, the conscious and subconscious minds also die, and the vibrational records that were previously held in the subconscious mind are moved to our soul’s Akashic Record. (11) Thus, we inscribe the energy of these beliefs vibrationally on the Akash, within our Akashic Record, which is stored as memory within the crystalline portion of our DNA.
The subconscious mind has an immensely powerful influence over us and shapes our lives in many ways. It gathers information through our senses on various experiences in our external world and bodies, based on the makeup of our soul, its purpose and programs, then forms ideas, perceptions, and judgments and stores them. All of this is done without the involvement or awareness of the conscious mind.
In reality, the subconscious mind is an emotionless database of stored programs, whose function is strictly concerned with reading environmental signals and engaging in hardwired behavioral programs, with no questions asked or judgments made. The subconscious mind is similar to a programmable “hard drive” into which our life experiences are downloaded. The programs are functionally equivalent to hardwired stimulus-response behaviors. Behavior activating stimuli may be signals the nervous system detects from the external world and/or signals that arise from within the body such as emotions, pleasure, and pain. When a stimulus is perceived, it will automatically engage the behavioral response that was learned when the signal was first experienced. (12)
The subconscious mind is strictly a stimulus-response playback device; there is no “ghost” in that part of the “machine” to ponder the long-term consequences of the programs we engage. The subconscious works only in the “now.” Consequently, programmed misperceptions in our subconscious mind are not “monitored” and will habitually engage us in inappropriate and limiting behavior.(13)
At a more subliminal level, according to Detzler, we are influenced by what are termed “soul programs” that were originally registered in the subconscious mind, sometimes during traumatic events or during emotionally charged times. The energy of these events is subsequently recorded in our soul’s Akashic Records. These programs cover a whole host of issues including beliefs about inheritance, which may come from our parent’s gene; believing and accepting other’s beliefs; beliefs about who we think we are; a message or belief we received during a stressful occurrence; phobias or deep-seated beliefs acquired as a result of an experience or trauma; beliefs about our worthiness or imperfection (particularly in our body); self-punishing ideas and the like.(14)
The problem is that the subconscious mind and soul are nondiscriminating and do not monitor what is happening to us on the conscious level when we are not consciously aware or spiritually awakened. Because we are so heavily influenced by these programs and circumstances, in the absence of a mechanism of checks and balances, we end up storing erroneous and inaccurate perceptions as energy in our personal quantum fields and our Akashic Records. These self-limiting perceptions constitute our belief systems and include attitudes about our own genetic inheritance, body image, disease, sense of self-worth, and the degree to which we view ourselves, others, and the world positively, and so on. What we believe in today is what we become in the future. Beliefs are energetic patterns. It is these beliefs, not our genes, that determine what manifests as us and ultimately controls our cellular responses by influencing the way we interpret our DNA information. The experience and learned knowledge stored in our Akashic Records pervades our consciousness and drives our behavior.
Once we realize that we are the reality and the energetic patterns we create for ourselves through our thoughts and emotions, we can begin to see the opportunity it presents for us in terms of healing. When they are negative and held statically in our personal quantum field, they manifest in the physical body, because consciousness is, in essence, a field of information that informs our DNA.
Therefore, by virtue of our quantum nature, what we think and feel, consciously and unconsciously, affects our DNA and ultimately influences our genetic coding. This is critical to our understanding of the mechanisms that contribute to disease.
Feelings such as love, joy, and gratitude are very high vibrational energies, whereas those that involve anger, sadness, and self-deprecation, for example, are lower. These lower vibrational states are expressed at the cellular level and, as previously stated, this cellular vibration determines the level of consciousness of your cells. Hypothetically, disease cannot exist at these higher vibrational levels where coherence in energetic information is present, since disease itself is seen as a lower vibration. Under such circumstances, effective information transfer needed for proper biological functioning is compromised, increasing the potential for disease.
Experiments by Fritz-Albert Popp measuring the patterns of biophotons of people who were ill demonstrated that cancer patients had lost their ability to follow natural periodic biological rhythms, exhibit energetic coherence in their personal energy fields, and had too little light. Patients with multiple sclerosis showed the opposite, where they were taking in too much light, which he believed was inhibiting the ability of their cells to do their job. His findings indicate that a state of energetic balance is required to achieve a healthy state and that coherence is the middle ground between the two, somewhere between chaos and order.
A multitude of factors, driven largely at the Akashic (soul) and subconscious levels as described, lend themselves to this compromised energetic environment. There are many resulting discordant thoughts and emotions generated from these two areas. Some of the more notable ones, and certainly some of the ones I experienced, are summarized below:
– Fear and resistance to change
– Unwillingness to acknowledge our own needs or desires
– Need to please others or other’s needs before our own
– Inappropriate boundaries between ourselves and others
– Unworthiness, low self-esteem, and lack of self-worth
– Inability to let go of things we cannot control
– Worry and anxiety created from a lack of faith and an ability to trust
– Unwillingness to acknowledge the free will of others
– Blame and lack of forgiveness
– Manifesting disease as a means of gaining love and attention
– Manifesting disease as a means of avoiding painful or undesirable situations
– Victimhood or martyrdom
– Absence of meaning or purpose in one’s life
– Taking on someone else’s pain
– Desire to suffer
– Grief and loss
It is the conscious thoughts and emotions resulting from experiences that we have had that shape our propensity toward disease more than anything else.
The consciousness tools I have described are really quantum transactions dealing with energy and consciousness that occur in a nonlinear, multidimensional kind of way. Most of the changes occurred at the energetic, quantum DNA level and cellular level. Because science currently has no way of measuring these nonphysical aspects of our quantum DNA and our consciousness, we have little proof of their existence, as is the case with all other quantum attributes studied by science. Until this changes, we can only observe the transformation they instill in us at all levels—emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Over the course of the year that I worked extensively with the consciousness tools, I noticed a dramatic shift in my healing progression as well as tangible changes that I attributed to these activities including the following:
– Improvement in or elimination of physical health conditions—eradication of tumors and cancer cells, enhanced healing of damaged tissue and injuries, improved metabolic function (digestion, cellular absorption), stimulation of detoxification process
– Improvement in or elimination of physical symptoms—less pain and discomfort, less inflammation and nerve response (requiring less medication to abate symptoms), less stiffness in spine and more mobility, disappearance of feeling of overall malaise.
– Improvement in energy levels, less fatigue, improved strength and stamina, change in activity levels and exercise.
– Increasing speed of recovery after physical interventions, periodic inflammatory, or neuropathic episodes.
– Improvement in quality of life and focus, level of engagement, activities, and relationships.
– Change in thoughts and emotions—more positive outlook, more positive emotions including acceptance, contentment, patience, compassion, and love; fewer negative emotions such as fear, anger, and judgment; increased mental clarity.
– Change in perception of self-limitations, more optimism about future possibilities and manifesting changes at all levels.
– Ability to surrender and let go.
– Deepening sense of spiritual connectedness and sense of self, expanded consciousness.
Illness is the beacon that points us in the direction of harmony with the forces of the universe within us and around us. It is purposeful and contains potential meaning to those willing to tune in to its messages. The direction toward cure is the same as the path toward greater awareness, higher consciousness, and personal fulfillment. . . . Our illness is our model for healing. . . . Disease contains within it the potentiality of cure.(15)
Source: Quantum DNA Healing, Althea S. Hawk
1. Horowitz, DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral, 406.
2. Laszlo, Science and the Akashic Field, 66–67.
3.. Ibid., 71.
4. Carroll, “Cosmic Lattice Part 2.”
5. Malcolm, Rediscovering Who You Really Are, 294.
6. McTaggart, The Intention Experiment, chapter 2.|
7. Carroll, The Twelve Layers of DNA, 166.
8. Lipton, The Biology of Belief, 102-3
9. Muranyi, The Human Akash, 256.
10. Carroll, The Twelve Layers of DNA, 194.
11.Detzler, Soul Re-Creation, 10.
12. Lipton, The Biology of Belief, 135.
13. Ibid., 104.
14. Detzler, Soul Re-Creation, 57–60.
15. Malerba, Green Medicine, 367–68.